If you know of a group or organization that should be added to this page, please email us with information (a website link or complete contact information) about the organization. Board Members who reside outside of the Columbia Gorge may not be included on the graphics. Information provided in descriptions was mostly acquired from the organization’s website. The following information is not intended to be an endorsement of Engage the Gorge.

Protect Our Parks is a grassroots  organization formed by concerned local citizens whose goal is to protect ALL Hood River parks. 
It is crucial that we safeguard our green spaces for present and future generations. A lost park is lost forever!


Thrive Hood River (formerly known as Hood River Valley Residents Committee) is the second-oldest local land-use advocacy group in Oregon. Founded in 1977, their mission is to protect Hood River’s farms, forests, special wild places and the livability of its cities and rural communities through advocacy, education and monitoring land use processes and decision-making. Thrive Hood River is a lobbying group.

Board Chair, Peter Cornelison.

Lobbying: “The Process of influencing public and government policy at all levels: federal, state, and local.” https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

Livable Hood River describes themselves as a non-profit organization that advocates for Hood River residents, the integrity of our residential neighborhoods, and for quality of life.

Board Chair, Jon Gehrig.


Streets Alive is advertised as an annual event that promotes community engagement and active transportation- connecting the community via streets.

The Streets Project is a series of Demonstration Projects. However temporary, they are intended to last longer than the single day of Streets Alive.

Organizers: Cindy Walbridge, Heather Staten, Megan Ramey, Peter Cornelison, Taylor Gautier.

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1000 Friends of Oregon states they work with Oregonians to enhance a shared quality of life by building livable urban and rural communities, protecting family farms and forests, and conserving natural areas. 1000 Friends of Oregon is a lobbying group, with offices in Portland, Eugene, and Grants Pass. 1000 Friends of Oregon lists affiliation with Thrive Hood River.

Executive Director, Sam Diaz.

Board Chair, Eloise Grout Koehler .

Lobbying: “The Process of influencing public and government policy at all levels: federal, state, and local.” https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

The Columbia Gorge Climate Action Network (CGCAN) educates, organizes and motivates Columbia Gorge activists to reduce and eliminate fossil fuel usage and climate change, at all levels from individual to global.  We encourage clean local renewable energy, conservation, community sustainability and resilience throughout our National Scenic Area.

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Friends of the Columbia Gorge works to ensure the Gorge remains a vibrant, living place—wondrous, wild, and accessible for all—is at the core of what we do. Friends of the Columbia Gorge works to protect, preserve, and steward the Columbia Gorge for future generations. Friends of the Columbia Gorge is a lobbying group.

Executive Director, Kevin Gorman.

Board Chair, Greg Delwiche.

Lobbying: “The Process of influencing public and government policy at all levels: federal, state, and local.” https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

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Columbia Riverkeeper’s mission is to protect and restore the water quality of the Columbia River and all life connected to it, from the headwaters to the Pacific Ocean. Columbia Riverkeeper is a lobbying group.

Executive Director, Brett VandenHeuvel.

Board Chair, Rudy Salakory.

Lobbying: “The Process of influencing public and government policy at all levels: federal, state, and local.” https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

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The Columbia River Gorge Commission was established in 1987 by the states of Oregon and Washington through an interstate compact, the Columbia River Gorge Compact. The Gorge Commission works with the U.S.Forest Service to set policy for protecting the non-federal lands in the Gorge. The Gorge Commission is a lobbying group.

Executive Director, Krystyna U. Wolniakowski.

Lobbying: “The Process of influencing public and government policy at all levels: federal, state, and local.” https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

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