Middle Housing Code Direction - Density

Engage the Gorge

Published · January 28 at 11:18 PM

The January 25th Hood River City Council meeting gave direction on code changes for "missing middle" housing:

- Denser is better

- Maximize lot coverage (70% is fine)

- Keep building heights at 28 feet

- Keep working with builders to ensure code allows builders to produce smaller homes

Our highlights video covers these issues, along with councilor concerns about:

- Mitigating stormwater runoff, given high lot coverage

- Firefighting access, particularly for infill buildings with no frontage

- High density residents' need for parks and green space

- Whether or not this code will really produce smaller homes

Once the code changes are in place, smaller project, particularly in city in-fill lots, will receive expedited permitting with no public comment needed.

You'll find the short 6-minute video here: https://youtu.be/wKKbr_XRKsY

Or you can opt for the full-length (nearly 90 minutes) missing middle discussion here: https://youtu.be/ZRCazg9Nr8c

--> Feedback about the code should be emailed to city councilors and planning commission members

--> We'll provide the guide to the 4-hour meeting by tomorrow

--> Let us know if you like these short clips (which take a while to create but saves you the 90 minutes of listening time!)