HR County - Strategic Planning Workshop

Engage the Gorge

Published · January 25 at 10:32 AM ·

Hood River County commissioners and department heads complete their multi-year strategic planning with workshop #4. Monday, January 25, from 2pm to 5pm, they will refine goals, get agreement, and talk about plans for implantation and accountability. The goals and groups going into the session:

1) Affordable Housing, Fiscal Stability, Communication & Engagement ... Babitz, Walker, Benton, Hecksel, Ruffin(?)

2) County Government Systems, Fundamental Competence of Government, Public Safety ... Joplin, Perkins, Elliott, Beebe, Ballah, English (?), and Elliott

3) Agriculture, Forests and Recreation: Oates, deHart, Thiesies, Berger (?), Diwan, John ?

Affordable housing (note that this remains a vague term, but we will guess that it will be defined as housing affordable to people earning between XX% and YY% of the median family income in Hood River County. It would be great if all government officials who use the term would define it precisely, since it has a huge impact on what the cost of the housing being discussed is). Achieving this goal likely requires State assistance and Federal approval to amend Urban Growth Boundaries around Odell to permit housing expansion in that area.

Those who want to listen in can join by ZOOM (much easier than the county's usual Webex). Details here:

Phone: 253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 839 6233 8574

Passcode: 530396